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Here is where every wave that kisses the shore will leave an indelible impression in your mind; creating memories of a time well spent on a shore that is abundantly blessed with the bliss of Nature. Welcome to Sadras Beach.

In a town rich in history, nestles a serene beach that entices every visitor who arrives to enjoy the charm of the shore. Every step you take on this beach, every moment you will spend wandering around in excitement, will be counted as a blessing. Sadras Beach is a shore that will surpass all your expectations of a beach destination. Picturesque, quaint and inviting, Sadras will for sure be one of the best beaches you will visit in Tamil Nadu.

A secluded shore along the Bay of Bengal in Mamallapuram, Sadras Beach is not one of those bustling beaches filled with thousands of people. Yet, the many lucky visitors who do come here to enjoy the cool breeze and the sandy terrain of the region, always leave with a desire to come back. Flanked by lush casuarina groves, Sadras Beach offers stunning views of the ocean. The view of multi-coloured fishing boats on the beach is indeed a sight to behold and the lives of the fishermen on the coast is a story to explore.

Another sight that adds to the quaint charm of the beach is a Dutch Cemetery and Fort, built during the regime of the Dutch in the region. A historic battle named Battle of Sadras had erupted in the region. The Fort later fell into the hands of the British. Today, the Fort is under the control of the Archeological Society of India. However the beautiful Fort with perfectly carved stones gives an insight on the Dutch influence that once prevailed in the area. 

The impressive Sadras Fort was constructed by the Dutch as a commercial hub and features a sprawling complex that housed a large granary, stables, and facilities for training elephants. Regrettably, all but one of these structures have since disappeared. The fort fell victim to a British raid in 1818, leading to its acquisition by the British East India Company.




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